Release Date: 18 October 2021
GraphGrid 1.4.2 includes the following fixes and improvements. GraphGrid recommends that all instances of 1.4.0/1.4.1 be updated with this version immediately.
Search: fixed issue with search all expecting incorrect params
NLP: improved TF calculation to not be limited to the last sentence for each mention
Payment: per API specification we are now truncating transaction fields as follows:
- 31 characters for itemID
- 31 characters for name
- 4 decimal places for unit price
- 4 decimal places for quantity
Install script: output now displays messaging when restarted after an interrupted or incomplete install
Detailed Changes and Docs
For the complete list of all changes, please see the changelog. Developer and operations manuals can be found on the docs site.
Download GraphGrid 1.4.2 Editions
GraphGrid Enterprise 1.4.2 for Linux/Mac
GraphGrid Ecommerce 1.4.2 for Linux/Mac
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